Le Labo offers promotion and dissemination opportunities 

Membre du mois: The “Membre du Mois” is a free event open to the public in which one of the members of Le Labo will be honoured. The guest of honour will have “carte blanche” to present their work, past, present and/or future, as well as what motivates them in their pursuits. A friendly and casual occasion, each “Membre du Mois” event is a unique opportunity for members and the public to come together and share ideas and projects.

Testimony of Julie Lassonde, Presidente of Le Labo and « membre du mois », October 2015

« I would like to thank Le Labo, for giving me the opportunity de share my work during this « membre du mois » event. 
I rarely look back at what I’ve accomplished in my artistic carrier and that evening just gave the reason to do so. I found the whole procedure very useful as it reminded me of the themes I’ve worked on all these years and will also guide my futur work, thanks to the audience’s questions. »

Exchanges: Le Labo develops on a regular basis exchange programs with other relevant organisations, for example the Société des arts technologiques (SAT) in Montréal. In 2016 a Member of Le Labo will be selected to attend the Foire d’art alternatif in Sudbury (FAAS), a major event in the Ontario visual arts scene.

Become a member to benefit from our numerous opportunities and advantages.