Artist and director: Louis-Philippe Gallant-Caron
Le Labo – studio 277 – 401 Richmond St W
From November, 21st to 24th 2022
Our studio 277
At the Labo, we have a passion for experimentation. We deserve our name! So this year, we wanted to revisite the traditional interview exercise for our new video capsule project, which we have entitled Bulles d’artistes.
We open the doors of our studio to 12 francophone artists, professionals members of Le Labo, whose stories we want to tell in a video interview and podcast format that is offbeat, modern and intimate.
With this first collection of portraits, we hope to offer a platform to francophone artists who rarely speak out in traditional media, and to make them known to the general public.
These videos will be directed by Louis-Philippe Gallant.
Louis-Philippe Galant-Caron
With over 10 years of experience in the media, Louis-Philippe has worked on documentaries and radio projects. He has had the opportunity to work both in front of the camera and in production positions, as a director, writer, researcher, editor and graphic designer. He now specializes in minority francophone content and we are proud to be able to count on his expertise.
This program is fund by the Ministry of Francophone Affairs