Artist: Liz Magor

Date: January 11th, 1 P.M

Location: MOCA entrance

Ticket: book your ticket on MOCA’s website or the dday at the entrance. Ticket from $14.
(Le Labo does not cover the admission fee).

As part of our flâneries program, join us at MOCA to discover the work of Liz Magor through the exhibition The Separation. Liz Magor is one of the most influential Canadian artists of her generation. Her practice focuses on the possibilities of sculpture as a narrative form. Attentive to the physicality of objects, she organizes found waste in such a way that intense narratives of dependence and desire emerge, questioning our consumer society.

Most of the second level is taken up by The Separation, an installation featuring 41 transparent mylar boxes containing everyday objects. At the same time, inert fabric animals hold spotlights, adding a disorienting dimension to the exhibition. Residue of consumerism, human absence, environmental calamity, fatal negligence? These are certainly points of reflection that the artist hopes to provoke in the public…

We propose this walk to open discussion on mass consumption, addiction and desire, while highlighting the importance of conceptual art.

We hope you’ll be able to join us for this convivial event, which will end with a coffee at Forno Cultura. Get your ticket directly on the MOCA website or at the counter. Priority event for Labo members, but open to all.

Liz Magor 
Liz Magor is one of Canada’s most important artists of her generation, and certainly the most influential Canadian sculptor of the last thirty years. Born in 1948 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Magor lives and works in Vancouver, where she has enjoyed a distinguished career as a professor at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Producing for over 40 years, Liz Magor has had numerous international exhibitions.

This program is funded by the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Art Council and Canadian Heritage.