Maria Legault Laura Demers Nadine Valcin
If you happen to come across this page, we have in common a love of art!
Acquiring art is certainly one of the most direct ways to support artists near you, but it is not the only one!
Supporting your local artists doesn’t have to be out of reach.
You can always…
- Purchase our limited edition totebag designed by founding member Paul Walty.
- Follow us on social media. Like and share posts with your friends. Social media is extremely powerful when used properly, and supporting your local art community is a great way to do it!
- Attend our events, which are mostly free. These events can range from an opening, a show tour, a talk on Zoom and much more.
- Make a contribution of your choice to support our activities*.
*Le Labo ne détient pas le statut d’organisme de bienfaisance et ne peut donc pas émettre de reçu d’impôt. Il suit néanmoins les normes et lignes directrices établies par Imagine Canada, Association of Fundraising Professionals et l’Agence du Revenu du Canada. Numéro d’entreprise : 858058969RC0001