Festival Elektra

Elektra est une manifestation culturelle montréalaise de haut calibre présentant des oeuvres et des artistes qui allient musique électronique de pointe et création visuelle issue des nouvelles technologies (l’animation, l’installation et la robotique). Elektra, a high-calibre Montreal-based cultural initiative, presents artists and works of art that align the latest electronic music and visual creations derived from new technologies (animation, installation and robotics).

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, São Paulo, Brazil.

FILE is a non-profit new media art festival that takes place in Sao Paulo city since 2000 and it has been also participated in others events around the world. It is the biggest art and technology festival in Brazil and in Latin America, and it serves as a lead indicator of the plurality of the work created in the interactive art field not only nationally but also internationally.