Introduction to writing a film script
Regardless of genre, any video project, animation or film begins with a script. The script is the description of scenes that make up a movie. This workshop aims to understand the function of a script and to write a movie scene with action and dialogue.
Curriculum connections: Integrated arts, Media Arts, Drama, Theatre, French
Age group: grades 6 through 12, post-secondary and adults.
Equipment to be provided by the school:
- Classroom with space to move/play,
- Video projector and computer to watch extracts (can be provided by Le Labo),
- Large sheets of paper, letter-sized sheets of colour paper, and markers/[crayons] for fun exercises, tables and chairs.
Length of workshop: 3 hours (half-day) or 6 hours (full day)
Le Labo / Educational Program
Contact : Carolina Reis 647.352.4411